
Showing posts from September, 2011

The One With "A" Dream Comes True

You know, when we were young and probably naive. Watching a cartoon character and really thought that character is real and when you finally had a chance to meet that character, everything else seems irrelevant. This little girl has just had a dream comes true :) OMG... look at her face ( the little girl :), I think she will grows up not forgetting this moment forever and same with me, I had my dream came true as well!!! Welcome to Disneyland! Although this wasn't the "Disney" that was originally in my dream because I clearly don't recall Donald or Mickey speaks "bonjour" or "s'il vous plaƮt merci"!!!! But at least when I had my ears shut and looking at these famous cartoon characters and the Disney princesses walk right through in front of you, like that little girl, anything else is irrelevant. :) Of course the little one is not just me as I brought along a little P

The One With Happy Mid-Autumn a.k.a Good Bye Summer 2011

Wow... It's already September and what before we realise it, Christmas presents shopping might just be weeks away ;) Afterall, supermarkets are selling Christmas pudding already! Alrite... summer's over. And yup, been lazy and busy and let's start blogging again. So, what happened during the summer? That's probably it ;) Sunflowers invaded the apartment... Steve Jobs got "promoted" to become the Chairman ;) and of course, the real "image" of London. Apart from that, I think it's just a not too bad summer. Warmer than I remember compare to last year but, that's it! And of course, they are these 3 little fellars... Aren't they cute!!! Anyway, these little kids will grow up well and start annoying people like us ;) Finally, Happy Mid Autumn to all!