The One With Joyce In London

In November 2011;

Me: Joyce... when are you going to visit me??
Joyce: Ok la... Will plan and let you know
Me: Ok.. (hmmm... maybe another few years?)

In December 2011;

Joyce: Hey...
Me: Wassup?
Joyce: I've bought my ticket to London!
Me: OOooo... Nice... When? Next summer?
Joyce: Oh.. No... In 2 week's time...
Me: You meant 2 months?
Joyce: No!!! In 2 weeks!!!

Yup... And Joyce did came to London and here she is!

Ok. True to what she has always been, mysterious and low profile I guess I shouldn't point who in this picture is Joyce ;) (psssst.. the pretty one ;)

Although we have known each other for more than X years (ooppss... age indication?), her quick action amazes me ;) Not the best time of the year to see London, but definitely best season of the year to experience the buzzing London shopping for Christmas. Without going into details how long had she shopped on Boxing day, I am pretty sure she has enjoyed her purchases throughout Oxford St :) Right?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed London, Windsor, Cambridge, Stonehenge, Bath and of course, Brixton ;) Really glad you came and visit and see you soon Joyce....


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