
Showing posts from November, 2014

Apple vs The Rest

With the recent conclusion of consumer tech product launches from new smartphones to smartwatches, from phone as big as tablets to tablets as large as laptops, the usual argument since probably 2010 still split the views of many. Apple vs the Rest . Source: #Personal Computer Believe it or not. Apple has been fighting this "litigation" almost ever since their inception. They started off with the "Big Blue" (IBM) and they have tackled the space where some thought as impossible as landing a man on the moon then, “Personal Computer” which today we just simply call it as PC. Then with Microsoft. Based on my limited understanding of what really happen then, I have to say "innovation" probably dominates the era when PC started penetrating our household. Some define innovation as a new word of creative piracy or photocopying. Others may argue that without innovation, technological advancement might takes much longer than what we wo...